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You can automatically calculate the weight and prices of Hea Heb Ipe Steel profiles here.

HEA - HEB Profiles Weight Table

Our product prices vary. Sales prices do not constitute an offer and are indicative prices. Please confirm by email or fax. All rights reserved for the information provided. Prices cannot be published without citation. Information is recorded for changes in unit prices.

Heb Steel Profile Table

heb steel profile technical dimensions

HEA-HEB Profile Technical Specifications

Short Marks HEA HEB Weights HEA and HEB Dimensions (mm)
HEA Kg/m h b tw tf
HEA 100 16.7 96 100 5.0 8
HEB 100 20.4 100 100 6.0 10
HEA 120 19.9 114 120 5.0 8
HEB 120 26.7 120 120 6.5 11
HEA 140 24.7 133 140 5.5 8.5
HEB 140 33.7 140 140 7.0 12
HEA 160 30.4 152 160 6.0 9
HEB 160 42.6 160 160 8.0 13
HEA 180 35.5 171 180 6.0 9.5
HEB 180 51.2 180 180 8.5 14
HEA 200 42.3 190 200 6.5 10
HEB 200 61.3 200 200 9.0 15
HEA 220 50.5 210 220 7.0 11
HEB 220 71.5 220 220 9.5 16
HEA 240 60.3 230 240 7.5 12
HEB 240 83.2 240 240 10 17
HEA 260 68.2 250 260 7.5 12.5
HEB 260 93.0 260 260 10 17.5
HEA 280 76.4 270 280 8.0 13
HEB 280 103 280 280 10.5 18
HEA 300 88.3 290 300 8.5 14
HEB 300 117 300 300 11 19
HEA 320 97.6 310 300 9.0 15.5
HEB 320 127 320 300 11.5 20.5
HEA 340 105 330 300 9.5 16.5
HEB 340 134 340 300 12 21.5
HEA 360 112 350 300 10 17.5
HEB 360 142 360 300 12.5 22.5
HEA 400 125 390 300 11 19
HEB 400 155 400 300 13.5 24
HEA 450 140 440 300 11.5 21
HEB 450 171 450 300 14 26
HEA 500 155 490 300 12 23
HEB 500 187 500 300 14.5 28
HEA 550 166 540 300 12.5 24
HEB 550 199 550 300 15 29
HEA 600 178 590 300 13 25
HEB 600 212 600 300 15.5 30

IPE Steel Profile Table

Ipe profil

Short Markers IPE Steel Weights IPE Steel Dimensions (mm)
IPE Kg/m h b tw tf
IPE 100 8.1 100 55 4.1 5.7
IPE 120 10.4 120 64 4.4 6.3
IPE 140 12.9 140 73 4.7 6.9
IPE 160 15.8 160 82 5 7.4
IPE 180 18.8 180 91 5.3 8
IPE 200 22.4 200 100 5.6 8.5
IPE 220 26.2 220 110 5.9 9.2
IPE 240 30.7 240 120 62 9.8
IPE 270 36.1 270 135 6.6 10.2
IPE 300 42.2 300 150 7.1 10.7
IPE 330 49.1 330 160 7.5 11.5
IPE 360 57.1 360 170 8 12.7
IPE 400 66.3 400 180 8.6 13.5
IPE 450 77.6 450 190 9.4 14.6
IPE 500 90.6 500 200 10.2 16
IPE 550 106 550 210 11.1 17.2
IPE 600 122 600 220 12 19
750x 147 173 753 265 13.2 17

Hea Heb profiles are of S275JR Quality.

Hea Heb Steels are Delivered from Gebze and Dudullu Depots.

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